Friday, March 28, 2008

Is This Blog My New Weekly E-zine?

This week on Tuesday and Thursday I was listening to Alexandria Brown’s last free teleseminar on e-zines. It was kind of a big deal, because she’s the E-zine Queen.

The Tuesday night call was a free course on latest methods and techniques for getting the best results from an e-mail newsletter, or e-zine (electronic magazine). Thursday night there were five or six people (I left the call early so I’m not sure) who use Ali’s ideas and were talking about their results.

The recordings of the calls are available through her blog, the first link above. The Tuesday call is worth downloading and listening to. Thursday’s was more testimonial but there were some specific ideas I heard for people wanting better results from an e-mail newsletter.

I was listening Tuesday night and not hearing much new at first, but suddenly I grabbed a notebook and started taking lots of notes. Ali was giving a lot of “how-tos” and “why-tos” and that sort of thing – specific, useful information.

Then she told us one of the biggest mistakes people make when they decide to start an e-zine is to try to put too much content into each issue. It becomes such a big task they can only publish monthly. She said that’s a bad idea.


My goal has been to publish monthly issues of Chasing Wisdom. I wanted to have several sections and lots of content. Ali recommended taking that much content and breaking it down into one idea per week. That reminded me I initially planned to post one section per week until a month’s issue was fully posted. I haven’t followed that plan, focusing more on getting a month’s issue posted on time.

She was also talking about ways to get more people to opt-in to the e-mail list to get the e-zine. Now there’s where my plan seems to have a huge hole. You don’t have to sign up for my newsletter to get my information. The articles are posted on the web. My newsletter just basically says, “Hey, everybody! My articles are posted!”

On Wednesday I got The Wednesday Minute, which is actually several minutes these days. Alex Mandossian was talking about how he uses a “squeeze page” to get people to give their e-mail address when they navigate to his blog page. It’s a somewhat clever idea, though I’m not sure of the value of an e-mail address given in this way.

But these things got me thinking. (Yikes!) First, I need a weekly e-mail newsletter. Second, I like writing articles for Chasing Wisdom. Third, I don’t think a newsletter that goes out weekly to say, “Hey, another section of my blog-zine is posted” will be very valuable to my business long-term.

I haven’t figured this all out yet. However, I realized that I post here weekly, and I post to my Anything But Marketing! blog weekly. I chart my own journey here, so it’s a record of my discoveries, challenges, struggles, and successes transitioning to a new career. Since I want to work with people discovering and transitioning to creative careers, this information could be useful. The ideas for “telling your story” in Anything But Marketing! are simple and practical. Sounds like an e-mail newsletter to me!

I’m trying to figure out how to integrate or re-arrange or Frankenstein what I’m already doing into a weekly or twice-weekly e-mail newsletter. I really like the idea of having past issues archived on the web, so maybe I’ll post things to my newsletter and then a week or so later archive them. The advantage to signing up would be getting the information earlier.

I might consolidate my blogs to one site by making them sub-pages of a designated site. Haven’t figured that out yet. Obviously, if and when I do make that kind of change, I’ll put it in my newsletter and post it here!

May You Know the Joy of Sharing Your Gifts,

Steve Coxsey

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