Friday, January 4, 2008

Forward In Spite Of Myself

On Christmas Eve Day I put the paperwork and filing fee in the mail to rename my corporation “Discovery Lookout, Inc.”

I left Christmas morning with my sons for Orlando. My older son’s soccer team was in a soccer tournament between Christmas and New Year’s. We came back on New Year’s Day in the early evening.

The next day I had the confirmation from the State of Texas that my corporation has officially been renamed.

Yesterday I went to the bank to change my business account to the new name. New checks are ordered and I should be paying bills later this month with checks that carry the new name.

I had a whirlwind holiday season since we were out of town for over a week. I posted the final three articles for my Blog-Zine on Christmas Eve Day and programmed my autoresponder to notify my list a couple of days after Christmas.

Beyond that, I did absolutely nothing to move my business forward from about a week before Christmas until I went to the bank yesterday. My sons were out of school the week before Christmas and we had a lot of things to do to prepare for Christmas and the trip.

And yet, in spite of my limited time, big things happened. My corporation is officially renamed. My bank account has been changed and my checks will have the new business name. My Blog-Zine is complete for December and I’m on track beginning to write articles for this month’s issue.

It’s good for me to realize that my momentum is actually carrying me forward. I was starting to think, while walking around Universal Studios with my younger son, that I had completely stalled working on my business. Then at night in the hotel room, after the soccer game, trying to fall asleep, I was feeling aimless about the business overall.

But by following simple steps I planned long ago, and meeting a couple of deadlines I scheduled, even with a lower stress schedule I was moving forward.

Write it down and get it down. Plan it, schedule it, and keep yourself accountable. Man! These Coaching ideas actually work sometimes! Most importantly, they carry us through the times when our motivation, our vision, and our passion are taking a sabbatical. A very important lesson for me.

May You Know the Joy of Sharing Your Gifts,

Steve Coxsey

1 comment:

StellaD said...

Hi Steve!

Bravo for you! I like the name Lookout Discovery...really ties in with our Twisting Road analogy. We need to stop at the lookouts along the way from time to time. Never know what you might discover there, hey? Congratulations! Keep moving forward.

Best to you,